A unique offer.
"Discover an offer made exclusively for clubs, poles and academies.
A tool for coaches, physical trainers, goalkeeper coaches or physiotherapists"

Pack 10 and Kit Player offer

Training above all.
With Planeto, discover a new way to train to improve your overall game.
A real way to train intensely
“Whether you are an educator, amateur or pro coach; using the Planeto during your sessions makes it easier to set up sessions, obtain better player engagement and increase control and passing situations to improve their technique; their movement, coordination, motor skills; their information and decision-making. »
They already use Planeto to train!
THE PARTNER CLUB OFFER aims to offer you a preferential rate and to allow you to benefit from a reduction on a pack ordered. This offer also allows the players of your club to obtain a training "KIT PLAYER" at a reduced price so that they can train and play football at home, with family and friends. then reproduce the content of the training sessions provided by the club coach. This complementary service of the club offers its athletes an additional asset to develop individually on the 4 poles of performance.
Partner Club Offer
Offer your licensees to obtain Planeto One Foot at a preferential rate thanks to the Planeto Club partnership .... A partnership between Planeto and your club ... buy a " Pack " of your choice and make your players benefit from the Kits Players ... The children will be able to train at home, in addition to your training sessions, the more the children train, the more your teams will perform …
L'achat de kit player est uniquement éligible sous condition de l'achat d'un pack 10
Cas contraire la commande sera automatiquement annulée.